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Mindfulness & Cultivating

an Open Heart

Loving Kindness Meditation Retreat

with Denise Koelsch

Sunday October 15, 1:00-4:00pm

Cost: $50.00

All levels of meditation experience are welcome

pre-registration required


Join Denise Koelsch, LICSW for an afternoon of connecting with self, centering and heartfulness.


With all the fear that is happening in this country, it is easy to lose connection to oneself, to one’s ground and to one’s heart. In this 3 hour meditation retreat, participants are guided to be mindful of the inner world, to cultivate the open heart, to cultivate a sense of warmth and friendliness and send “well wishes” towards others.


The retreat includes mindfulness practices, pranayama (yoga breath techniques), toning, walking meditation and loving kindness meditation. 


Find additional information, to register via phone, or if you have questions; find Denise Koelsch at, 978-969-2513 or email  


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