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Corrective Exercise Specialist

We live in a world that discourages movement and encourages poor posture. When we do decide to move, we often engage in popular but ill-advised exercise programs that include high-intensity exercises and training systems far beyond our current fitness level and movement competency.


That’s why we need to learn and develop the skills necessary to identify and correct these issues.


Research supports corrective exercise as an effective alternative to surgery for correcting movement-related problems. In fact, sometimes participating in a corrective exercise program is more effective. 




If you experience chronic pain, muscle tightness, repetitive injuries, discomfort from work or recreational activities, aging movement and body concerns, lingering pain or discomfort in joints or muscles from holding onto stress in the body or if you’re looking for a bridge between physical therapy and regular workout, you may benefit from CORRECTIVE EXERCISE. 


Corrective Exercise’s approach is more than stretching and addressing the part(s) of the body that are uncomfortable, it’s also activating, mobilizing, balancing, and strengthening the surrounding and opposing functional areas and movements.  Envision turning on the light switch for parts of the body that are underutilized to help support those which are overworked, overburdened or over functioning.  Corrective Exercise brings the communication within the body back into balance and encourages movement that promotes ease, function while reducing strain and overuse.  


Many people are now more sedentary throughout the day, which is one of the biggest risk factors for poor health. Inactivity is exacerbated by the fact that most people are doing things that encourage poor posture. Especially in the world and time we live today, it is common for people to spend hours throughout the day with a rounded spine, anteriorly rotated shoulders, and a forward head posture, whether they’re sitting at a desk or texting on a smartphone.

This is especially true for the everyday back, knee, shoulder, and neck pain.


Corrective Exercise seeks to help achieve the best results in training and movement without restrictions throughout the day. 


As a Corrective Exercise Specialist, I can bridge the gap between simple, straightforward fitness training and more complex physical therapy offered by a health-care professional. 



What is Corrective Exercise?

The goal of corrective exercise is to improve movement to enrich a person’s life or sport. It seeks to identify the complex factors associated with poor movement patterns and correct them with the simplest methods possible. Sometimes we learn to move better with nothing more than hands-off soft-tissue mobilizations on a few overly stiff muscles.


Often, though, the solution requires a multifaceted approach that includes static and dynamic assessments, soft-tissue mobilizations, corrective exercises, and reassessments over the course of months. That’s how long it takes to make permanent changes within tissues and motor programs.  Nevertheless, you can notice a difference in your movement and understanding of your biomechanics within the first session, no matter how long it takes to fix the underlying issues.






It's impossible for anyone to always move with perfect body mechanics. And even if possible, we still can't control when or where contact with an outside force or another person or object may be made. The also applies to the everyday world that we all must navigate. Sidewalks can be icy. Stairs can get slippery. Someone can accidentally bump into you at your most vulnerable moment. The list of unpredictable events is endless.


No one is completely injury-proof, and no amount of training can offset the chaotic, unpredictable events of life and sports. But when our muscles and joints have sufficient strength and mobility, and when the nervous system can precisely control muscle activation, we are able to develop a more durable body, which is the best defense against injury. That’s what we should strive to achieve in our movement practices and training sessions.



What is Movement dysfunction?

The faulty execution of an exercise or multiple-joint movement due to a lack of mobility, stability, posture, and/or motor control.


What is Muscle imbalance?

When one muscle is stronger and/or stiffer than is the muscle that opposes its actions.


What is Soft tissue mobilization?

The act of removing restrictions from muscles and connective tissues.


© 2017 by LaPlante Healing Arts

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at The Iron Rail

91 Grapevine Road, Wenham, MA 01984


Tel: 978-290-0771

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