Yoga and Voice Resonance
finding your inner voice
Saturday December 1, 10:30-12:30
$35 in advance
$40 day of
PreRegistration Recommended
Enjoy a blended workshop with Yogaspirit®; Lisa LaPlante and Voice Resonance Coach; Hannah Mell.
Join us in this cooperative workshop engaging body and voice that will honor the beautiful connection between yoga, inviting the heart and throat chakras to open, and finding one's inner voice.
In a safe and relaxed environment; students will begin with a centering meditation, practice vocalization exercises, followed by a gentle yoga practice to open up the heart & throat chakras.
Vocal prompts will nurture each participant to find and express their inner voice in the safety of a supportive and accepting community.
We will wrap up the workshop with an opportunity for students to share any reflections with one another.
All Mats and yoga props are provided. Please bring water. Students should plan to arrive 15 mins ahead of time to complete waivers and settle into the studio.
Limited space - no experience necessary